Yesterday was Clean Monday, I think I explained it last's a Bank Holiday, to prepare for the coming 40 days of 'fasting', the mums spend the morning cleaning the house of all the food they will be not eating ....meat, anything with a 'backbone', eggs and dairy products. Thank goodness kalimari is excluded (a fave of mine).
The afternoon is spent partying, using up all the excess, bbqs and flying kites!! (must find out why kites, it pops up everywhere doesn't it..China, Afghanistan, but why???)

Visibility was not good to start with but as we set off for a long walk...I know, I know, we like walking!! the clouds cleared.
And so did the crowds...isn't this heavenly? 2 bays of white sand and not another person around...granted we did have to do some clambering to get there but it was very well worth it.

The sea was clear and like a mill pond, the sun was warm and soon I was paddling with our 4 legged friend
He bounded in and out of the sea..ears aflapping,
bouncing along....
quick rest...
then start again...
Dewi, behaving for a moment!!

As I wandered around looking for little gems.
Truly a wonderful afternoon. I can't wait to spend the day there in the summer especially if it stays that quiet.
Heaven! What a beautiful way to spend an afternoon.
Thanks for sharing that. What a beautiful place for a walk.
A x
What a find! Strange to be sitting here and looking at your pictures of trees literally at the sea edge.... wonderful. The dog looks like he had a great time too. What lovely markings he has.
I love that plant, what is it? Glad you're enjoying February in Crete. Best wishes, Lesley
Oh I do so love your pictures of life in Crete. One day I'll get back there.
As for the facelift/botox...don't you dare!!! ;)
How lovely, where is that Jude?
What a gorgeous day and that dog does look like it's having the time of its life! I'm so glad that you spend the afternoon in such a wonderful way. So much better than cleaning!
Dewi certainly enjoy himself there. It looks so peaceful.
Your pictures never cease to brighten my days...especially when they are full of fog and damn cold!!! The beach looks like the perfect castaway beach, not a soul, peace, turquoise seas...oh it looks divine!
Im so glad you found such a lovely place!
Julia x x x
Love the flappy eared action shots.
What heaven to see such beautiful sunny shots as I sit here shivering in the snow again! I am off to discover more of your blog - and where in Cornwall you came from (I'm from near Truro) - have a lovely day :D
Your clean Monday looked fantastic. I love all of your pics, as usual :)
Because you always brighten my day I have an award for you my dear Jude...
Happy 101 Award
Beautiful. what is that paddle ish shaped thing? I'm intrigued.
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