About Me

My photo
Crete, Greece
Married to the lovely Geoffrey, my soulmate. I have two fantastic big kids,both married, whom I love and miss every day I'm not with them, but I know they're living and loving their lives and we make up for time when we get together.I now have three granddaughters too...

Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Just had an (enforced) holiday........... in the local hospital.
I shall not bore everyone with details, not nice though.
The infection in my gum started invading rest of my body.
I'm hoping to get back into action and catch up with everyone in the next couple of days.
Thank you for your kind comments.


soulbrush said...

OMG I had this awful feeling that something was wrong...hope you are well on the road to recovery, missed you in blogland.

bindu said...

Oh no! Hope you're feeling much better now. Welcome back!

Lynn Cohen said...

I hope none of our "home remedies" did you in...so sorry...interesting that your photo has your hand over your mouth. I hope you are out of pain now and on the mend. Be well.

Chris Daly said...

Wishing you well. I hope you are feeling yourself soon!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Just saw Lynn's comment on my birthday collage- after I had baby boy last night that looked rather like a hairless monkey in the face, and started talking and sitting up straight at just a few days old. WIll I ever grow out of these wierd dreams?

sukipoet said...

oh dear. I hope you are better now. Take care. Yikes.

soulbrush said...

how are you feeling now? hope stronger every day. hugs.

ArtPropelled said...

Take advantage of the rest and hope you are back to your old chirpy self soon.

Jackie said...

Glad you're better now.
You have to watch it with infections.

Digitalgran said...

Hi Jackie! I do hope you are better too? I'm very interested of course in the name of your boat. Cariad is a wonderful name for it.