I discovered another 'The Island' film set a couple of weeks ago, this time in
Pano EloundaI had heard some friends of mine had been 'extra' extras so I asked if I could incorporate photos of Sybil and Mike into my post.
In addition to that, I also
received a photo of the author of The Island, Victoria
Hislop, as an extra too..she's the woman in the above photo sitting on the wall. My friend Sybil is standing below the wall on the right.

Above is a close-up of Sybil's make-up, she was acting as one of the unfortunate lepers that lived on the island of

There's Mike in the middle standing and Sybil is sitting in the middle..
Sybil told me it was very cold and uncomfortable on the island that day and they filmed the scenes of the last day when everyone was taken off in small boats..she said it was very emotional and a fantastic experience.

Now look at Mike...eek!! Isn't that effective?? Obviously lesions from the condition..
Sybil also said she was so entranced my Mike's make-up she didn't notice that they'd shaved Mike's beard off..

Locals have been wondering why so much of the old buildings have had to have been covered and rebuilt with plaster of paris and fibreglass 'fronts'

As you can see from these photos the surrounding buildings are very similar...and more authentic as they are covered with detritus, stains and aging..

Obviously, one of the reasons was to hide modern day pieces, telephone kiosk, meters, wires etc.

I still find it very interesting though..I'm very glad I found this scene and I'm grateful to Mike and Sybil for allowing me to use their photos..it helps to make it more personal..Thank you!!
Love the photos - that make up is amazing (and greusome!) We are back in Wales, didn't make it to Falmouth - family, traffic and rain made the plans change but I have some great pictures of perranporth to share later this week - hope that will still bring back the happy memories! Take care Em x
really enjoyed this jude
how are your artichokes going? ours have just sprouted heads this last week
Yes I have read The Island and think it could make a brilliant film
I haven't read The Island but will definitely look for it. Isn't it amazing what the pros can do with make up - and the way they can change the look of a town is incredible. Lucky friends to have been part of this experience!
Absolutely fascinating. Have read the island and look forward to seeing the film. Amazing make-up - yeuch!
Such an interesting post Jude. I can't believe the makeup and love the facades they've built. Maybe they should wash the walls down with coffee to age the white a bit ;-)
A film already?? It's a shame you didn't get a chance at being an Extra, that looks like great fun! x
Goodness, that make-up is realistic! Your friends had a fantastic experience obviously. Spring is finally on its way here, Jude. :O)))))
I love it all...the make up and the make-overs of the buildings.
We get some filming in town occasionally, Edwardian and Victorian period drama usually (The Forsyte Saga was a recent one.)
Russell Crowe did film some battle scenes in the woods a few years ago!
Wow!! How great - hating the makeup!! When I was littele, I had an irrational fear of Leprosy - and Piranha Fish and soldiers ants - not of which were prevelant in Barnsley at that time!!!!
I never would have known that was make-up, had you not said so! Must be so exciting for your friends to be a part of the filming!
Oh, that's fascinating - love having a nosey at stuff like that. Thanks for sharing it.
How fascinating! You always have some fun stories here. :)
I just read your old posts ... the one about the donkeys was so sad. I hope that poor old one feels better soon, or is retired soon.
Interesting post, Jude and it's always nice to see your sunny pics. I haven't read 'The Island' though, yet.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! What an experience.
I don't even know what to say...it all facinated me too. Thanks for sharing this. Loved it all.
That's really amazing! I loved seeing your friend's photographs - isn't the make up just brilliant?? The warts made me giggle, reminded me of being small and making warts out of rolled up bread to stick on our faces and enhance our Halloween costumes!!
Love Julia x x x
ps - oh yes! in answer to your question, I find it easiest to measure around the glass jar with a tape measure, then do chain stitches which match the measured length and then add three for your first stitch, crocheting into the 4th stitch from the chain to begin the first round...does that make sense?
J x
Thats fascinating. I wonder wen the film will be out? Its one of those books that I found to be a bit too narrative but I still enjoyed it and I'm sure it will be a great story for a film.
Thank you for showing us these scenes and the makeup/prosthetics are great. It will make it more interesting when the film comes out to look out for your friends :o)
wow...how cool is that? That makeup is disturbing. It makes me think of what people had to endure before modern medicine.
Great post, Kim
I have read the book and I found it to be very real and I look forward to seeing the movie. I have kept the book one day I may visit Crete
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