A delicious concoction from the best wedding in North Wales..
I'm sorry I've not been around, many reasons..but I promise to do better soon.
If anybody wants a taster of what's to come, go to
John and Lindsay's blog
Hopefully, I'llbewith you very soon
My goodness, that's amazing. Will hop across to the other blog now for more.
Yes, Maddie..it was fab, made up of Cornish Yarg, and stuff!! Trying to find a link for the company. It's from down your neck of the woods, that's all I can remember..literally...tee hee!! Coming back and getting back into swing here has been difficult..
How FABULOUS, (both the cheese and the fact that you are back). I am blog hopping too........ :O)
Hooray! Nice to see you. I feel very boring living in the same place for 32 years.
South of France, Crete, .....Brinscall? No contest!
I'm packing up..but hang on.. I've got that room full of 'stash'...no I think I'll stay.
Very funny! Wow...holy cheesecake.
and we thought you wouldn't post today! :)
Welcome back!
Pretty amazing tower in that photo! Definitely looking forward to your next report (the photos of the big event in the other blog were beautiful!)
Good to see you back. When I first saw thew thumbnail I thought it was THE wedding cake itself. Brilliant idea, I love it!
That's different! I popped over and had a peep at the photos - gorgeous bride.
Woohoo - I've found you again!!!
I managed to loose the link to your blog and couldn't for the life of me remember what it was called (I think it's an age thing - can't remember where I left my keys either!)but I finally spotted a comment from you on ....erm.... another blog!
Great to catch up with you again :)
Welcome back Jude. Glad to see you posting again. That's a really lovely stack of cheeses. How was the wedding?
Hi Jude! Good to see you're back too. I'll have to go over to the other blog to see what's been going on.
You asked about the Christmas stocking. It's made by Dimensions Craft Co from the US. Here's the web address and page with the stockings http://www.dimensions-crafts.com/productcart/pc/showsearchresults.asp?idSupplier=10&idcategory=41&customfield=&SearchValues=&priceFrom=&priceUntil=&withstock=&sku=&IDBrand=61&keyWord=&exact=&resultCnt=&order=&iPageCurrent=1&pageStyle=
Like the cheesecake. Welcome back, Jude. Best wishes. Lesley
I have missed you and am very happy to have you back.
Best kind of cake there is and Llangollen is a lovely part of Cymru :)
Gorgeous Bride!!
yes, you've been missed. glad you are back...cant wait to hear all about it all. amazing tower of cheese (cake) lol
Welcome home! I bet you have been having the time of your lives. Bethan looks so beautiful and radiant in her wedding gown.
OMG !!! It's The Leaning Tower of Cheeser !
What a beautiful bride! You must be so proud. They make a lovely couple. I understand why you've been away, but I'm glad you're back. I've missed you. Looking forward to photos.
Great Cheese!
Love the cheese pic!
Now that's what I call a cheescake.....
Great to have you back again. Looking forward to reading about your adventures.
Amazing 'cake' and such a good idea.
Missed you....hope all is well, wow, what a cheesecake!!!
Its lovely to see you back, great 'cake' by the way!
Hope you are well, look forward to hearing from you again soon
Julia xxx
MMMMMM Cheeeeese!!!
I've just noticed that you'd popped onto my page, wondering about me. First, good to see that you're back. And that cheesecake is amazing!
I had taken a 3 month break from internet at the end of summer, and since I'm back I just haven't had anything interesting enough to warrant a new post on my blog. Geeez. I do have something new today and hopefully will be back at occasional updates now.
oh my goodness...this was what my new daughter in law wanted for her wedding cake but...in end had to settle with wonderful cupcakes wedding cake and go over to France and bring back LOADS of cheese..and from a trip to Devon.xxwill show her this, she will be very jealousxxlynda
Hope you're doing well. That's some cheesecake!!
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