About Me

My photo
Crete, Greece
Married to the lovely Geoffrey, my soulmate. I have two fantastic big kids,both married, whom I love and miss every day I'm not with them, but I know they're living and loving their lives and we make up for time when we get together.I now have three granddaughters too...

Monday, 6 April 2009

There Must Be a Pot of Gold.................

I had to share these photos with you, justlook at the colours!
We've had a few days of mixed weather, including an thunder and lighening storm that stayed on top of our house for quite some time in the middle of the night.
It's a good thing we don't have 2 dogs that are afraid of the noise.

The only sad thing was we had spent the day before whitewashing one side of the house... we woke to dirty streaks down, what was, a brilliant white wall only hours before.
The temperature is going up though and I'm hoping to be swimming on my birthday!!
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Lynn Cohen said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful Jude.
Sorry about the streaks on the house, but wow...worth it?

MyCretanlife said...

Looks fantastic Jude. I have a dog thats terrified of thunder and she was wrapped round Ian's neck most of the night shaking.

bindu said...

These are some of the best rainbow pictures I've ever seen!! Gorgeous. Sorry about your wall ...

Anonymous said...

Fantastic light. I'm sure the streaks will liven the wall up a bit ;-))

Chris Stovell said...

Swimming on your birthday sounds good, something to tell us about in damp, grey west Wales today. I don't know about taking photos of rainbows, but I think you might have found the end of one living there.

Katiejane said...

Simply Beautiful! Mother Nature at her best. Out of thunderstorms and heavy rain comes beauty like this. Thanks, it made my day.

Pondside said...

Rainbows are magic, aren't they? Is that the view from your house?
When is your birthday?
Lots of questions and a great post!

ArtistUnplugged said...

Those are amazing...great you got those photos, simply beautiful. God is an awesome artist..thanks for sharing them!

Blu said...

Hey..great rainbow shots I bet you were chuffed!. Have you repainted the wall!

Faith said...

They are beautiful, I love rainbows. They make a day magical dont they.

Calico Kate said...

Beautiful pictures Jude. I love how the sky is dark above the rainbow and lighter beneath.
Oh how I feel for you with the wall. Another white washing day lined up I guess. But not on your birthday! Happy day whenever it is.

Cris, Artist in Oregon said...

Beautiful shots of the rainbow. You have a great camera and a good eye. :)

John said...

we are expecting thunderstorms this coming week..........hope the potager doesn't flood again!