About Me

My photo
Crete, Greece
Married to the lovely Geoffrey, my soulmate. I have two fantastic big kids,both married, whom I love and miss every day I'm not with them, but I know they're living and loving their lives and we make up for time when we get together.I now have three granddaughters too...

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Looking forward..

I find myself alone today. Something that rarely happens these days. As I look around I can see many chores to be finished. But first, a moment to reflect.
We had a lovely quiet Christmas, which is what we wanted. Full of walks, food and our own company.
I worried about my son, spending Christmas Day alone in London. Not an enjoyable thought. He spent the Christmas nights as a volunteer in a shelter for the homeless. Good on you!!
Then the excitment of the engagment and all the chatter and laughter that went with it. Geoff continued to complete jobs around our new house in readiness for our guests, a bathroom door was top of the list... Jose ran around knowing something was about to happen, but what?? I fussed, as only a mother can, who hasn't seen her daughter for 8 months, making the house cosy and hoped they would like.
The week went too quickly, filled with plans and laughter. Walking on the beaches, watching those two sharing words and smiles.We played board games, ate and drank. We chatted and saw friends and family as far afield as Thailand, New York and London, thanks to the wonders of Skype. I loved going with Bethan and watching her as she tried the biggest, frilliest wedding dresses on. We both shed a tear, her face was a picture of pure joy. My little girl, playing, dressing up.
We climbed up to Minoan/Roman sites and Geoff told us about the history and we closed our eyes and tried to imagine this area in those times.
They are back in Saudi now, still planning. Both back to work.
So,here I sit, with lists of plans.....
The sun is shining, shall I walk before I start on my chores, it would be a shame to miss the sun on my face and the weather is unpredictable atthe moment.....

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Jenny said...

Sounds like you had a really lovely Christmas Jude, congratulations on your forthcoming status as mother in law! Have to say it's great!

Jude said...

Thanks Jenny, hope you had a good time too. Just got to get logistics of planning wedding when none of us live in the same country as each other or where wedding is taking place.Thankfully, we only have a few months to organise everything...

soulbrush said...

what a lovely post. remember to enjoy the actual wedding day, after all the planning, one can forget!

ArtistUnplugged said...

Sounds wonderful Jude, especially the precious moments with your daughter as she tried on dresses, what memories! When is the wedding date? Beautiful photo!

Terre Busse said...

We haven't met, let me introduce myself. My name is Terry, I have found your blog through following Lynne's in California. I find myself wandering to your blog now and then, to see what is happening in Crete. It all sounds so lovely.

Reading your blog this morning, I am having a similar day, but my view is much different. It is socked in fog, has been for a few days. How I would love to wander your lovely streets of Crete right now. I would stop and say hi.

Thanks for letting me wander in and out of your world. It sounds so wonderful!
Congratulations on the engagement of your daughter. Mine is girl is 9 years old, but I could picture us someday doing the wedding dress thing. Such a life ritual.


sukipoet said...

Hope you enjoyed your peaceful time alone. Glad you had such a lovely Christmas and time with your daughter. So sweet to think of you both looking at gowns, trying them on. A very exciting time in your lives. Thanks for the lovely sunshiney pictures.

Katiejane said...

This is such a lovely post. How nice of your son to spend his Christmas helping others have a good one.

Isn't it wonderful, helping your daughter with her wedding plans. My mother missed mine, but my stepmother was such a big help. I had a small wedding, so it was pretty easy. Remember, the wedding is only one day, the marriage is for the rest of their lives. That's what really counts.

Jude said...

Katie Jane
Yes, we are trying to keep the reason WHY we're doing this is not just for one day, foremost in our minds.
Artist Unplugged
The wedding date is 5th Sept.
The Dress Moment was wonderful, took me back years, when she loved dressing up,her face was a picture..

Pipany said...

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Off for a read through yours now and hoping to enjoy some sunshiney pictures xx

Just Original said...

Sounds like you had a perfect Christmas & New Year!

Just to let you know I have stashed all of the Christmas gifts I have made for next year in a box clearly marked 'Christmas Stuff' in my office for fear of forgetting where I have put them.

Just realised I have booked a holiday to Crete the other day, we are going in May!

Vanessa x

ArtPropelled said...

I love the sound of your christmas! Walks and talks with loved ones. Our christmas lacked the walks which is so necessary when eating all that food. Groooooan...

bindu said...

Don't good times go by too fast? I'm glad you had such a lovely and time bonding with your daughter. Those are special moments. And it's great that your son volunteered on Christmas day. We need more people like him.

Mim said...

What fun - trying on wedding dresses - that is something a mom and daughter should do together. Are they getting married near you or where they live???